Friday, September 4, 2009

so it's official

Details of my travel plans are in! My crackberry (which I'm looking to sell because let's just face it, it's not practical) notified me that I had received an email--my staging information from Peace Corps!

"Staging" is basically a one day orientation where you meet all the other country volunteers (there's about 60 of us for Moz14), get last minute shots, and sign life insurance papers. Uplifting. My staging is taking place September 29th in Philadelphia! And since I'm "west of St. Louis", as the travel agent put it, I have to fly in the night before, giving me a few hours to sightsee before orienting. Apparently, I was also the first person to call in about tickets for Mozambique. Always one step ahead. Thanks, crackberry.

Here is my international itinerary. 16 hours-ish. :)

30 SEP 09  -  WEDNESDAY  


 01 OCT 09  -  THURSDAY 



This means that my last day in SD is officially September 27th because I am out of here noon the next day. If you want to see my face one more time before the motherland takes it, call me!

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